Oil exploration goes back thousands of years; But the beginning of the vast activity of the oil industry dates back to 2 centuries ago.

What is the first active country in the field of oil industry?

Russia was the first country to produce 3500 tons of oil in 1825. The country doubled its production by the middle of the century.

After the beginning of oil drilling in Azerbaijan in 1846 in Baku, two large pipelines were built in the Russian Empire, one of which was the pipeline to transport oil from the Caspian to the Black Sea port of Batum in 1906, and the other was a 162-kilometer pipeline. It was to transfer oil from Chechnya to Caspian.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Russian oil accounted for half of the world’s production and dominated international markets;
But in the first quarter of the 20th century, the United States surpassed Russia as the world’s largest oil producer, and until the 1920s, oil fields were found in many countries, including Canada, Poland, Sweden, Ukraine, the United States, Peru, and Venezuela was founded that
He removed the oil industry from the domination of America and Russia and became global.

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